News: January 2020
Highlighting Cancer research at Bangor University
An event at Bangor University marks World Cancer Day on 4 February 2020. A free event at Pontio Lecture Room 2, between 6.00 and 8.15 pm highlighting the cancer research being undertaken at Bangor University marks the 20th anniversary of World Cancer Day. There will be a number of short talks from oncologists and university researchers followed by a question and answer session.
Publication date: 30 January 2020
Peer support helping to magnify the wellbeing benefits of outdoor activities
With North Wales being described as the ‘Adventure Capital of Europe’ and this year being promoted as #yearofoutdoors, we are all being encouraged to celebrate our mountains, coast and countryside and to immerse ourselves in the nation’s natural beauty and reap the benefits to our wellbeing. A new and exciting study from Bangor is examining whether the wellbeing benefits can be increased for certain individuals when they are supported by people facing similar challenges, or ‘peers’.
Publication date: 30 January 2020
Commonwealth/Windle Trust Scholar and Bangor University student overcomes war, health and poverty to follow his dream
Publication date: 30 January 2020
Over 60 and online: New population health report finds older people in Wales actively involved in social media
Welsh over 60s are online and actively engaging in social media, and this could be an important tool for public health. 77 out of every 100 people in Wales aged 16 years and above use one or more social media platforms. 65 in that hundred people use social media on a daily basis. These insights are from a new report: Population Health in a Digital Age: Patterns in the use of social media in Wales published by Public Health Wales and Bangor University today.
Publication date: 28 January 2020
First cohort of PGDip Physiotherapy students start their course at Bangor today
With physiotherapists often in short supply, physiotherapy service managers and potential students in Wales have welcomed the development of a new route to qualify as a physiotherapist.
Publication date: 13 January 2020
Exercise: we calculated its true value for older people and society
Taking up exercise is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions for people wanting to improve their health. But our research shows that the benefits of older people going to exercise groups go beyond self-improvement and provide good value for society, too. This article by Carys Jones , Research Fellow in Health Economics at the Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article .
Publication date: 9 January 2020