News: September 2020
Welsh Government to explore proposals for a North Wales medical school
Health Minister, Vaughan Gething, has set-up a group to examine the feasibility of a North Wales medical school. The Welsh Government is already providing £7m a year to fund undergraduate medical training in North Wales and is now looking to explore a proposal by Bangor University and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board for a new medical school.
Publication date: 26 September 2020
Learning Disability Nursing film shortlisted for Arts & Business Cymru Award
A film to promote learning disability nursing that was commissioned by Bangor University and the University of South Wales and produced by Hijinx has been shortlisted for an Arts & Business Cymru Award in the Arts, Business & Health category.
Publication date: 24 September 2020
Twenty years on mum of six achieves her dream to become a nurse
A mum-of-six has finally fulfilled her dream of becoming a nurse 20 years after she gave up her studies to have a baby – overcoming the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic in the process.
Publication date: 18 September 2020
School of Health Sciences MOOC shortlisted for Nursing Times Award 2020
A MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), developed by staff at School of Health Sciences , supported by Bethan Jones from the Learning Technology Unit, and in conjunction with Tracey Cooper, Interim Director of Infection Prevention & Control, Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust has been shortlisted for the Nursing Times Awards this year.
Publication date: 10 September 2020
Kidney Disease and pregnancy- what do women need for their support?
“ I didn’t know what I didn’t know, because no one asked me” Women may have many things to think about before becoming pregnant, as well as questions which need answering while they are pregnant. There are around five thousand women of childbearing age in Wales who have a condition that affects their kidneys. They may have additional questions about the impact of pregnancy on their kidney disease and how their kidney disease might affect their pregnancy.
Publication date: 2 September 2020