News: December 2019
Sacrifice leads to success
A clinical nurse specialist from Kenya graduates with distinction from Bangor University this week. Bernard Ojiambo Okeah, 32, from Busia, Kenya graduated with an MSc Public Health & Health Promotion degree feeling “genuinely proud of this achievement”.
Publication date: 13 December 2019
Dr Ephraim Kisangala – the Bangor graduate prescribing dignity to Ugandan refugees
A student whose work attracted the interest of the HRH Duchess of Sussex earlier in the year, graduated from Bangor University this week. Dr Ephraim Kisangala, 30, from Kampala in Uganda, a fully-funded Commonwealth Scholar received an MSc in Public Health and Health Promotion with distinction. He is a qualified medical doctor who holds Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery degrees from Kampala International University.
Publication date: 13 December 2019
Determined to pursue the dream – Jade graduates as First Class midwife
Despite having always wanted to be a midwife, circumstances got in the way and Jade Parsons was forced to put her dreams on hold. Leaving school aged sixteen with no qualifications and becoming pregnant soon after meant that Jade, from Holywell, had to devote all her time and energy on raising her young family.
Publication date: 13 December 2019
Exciting alternative route into Physiotherapy at Bangor University
With physiotherapists often in short supply, physiotherapy service managers and potential students in Wales have expressed a strong interest in the development of a 2 year accelerated post graduate pre-registration route aimed at graduate applicants. This type of programme is viewed as an exciting alternative mode of entry to the profession to the established undergraduate route.
Publication date: 9 December 2019