Student award illustrates commitment to supporting the provision of bilingual health services
Elain Fôn Jones, second year learning disability student nurse was awarded the Welsh Language Skills Certificate with excellence this week. Andrew Green, the Chair of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol presented Elain with the certificate during a Reception at the National Eisteddfod in Meifod. The certificate enables Elain to show evidence to employers of her ability to communicate confidently and professionally in Welsh, both verbally and in writing.
Pictured receiving the award, Elain said “Dwi’n falch iawn o dderbyn y dystysgrif gan y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol gan ei fod i mi yn dangos y pwysigrwydd fod gan bob claf yr hawl i siarad a cyfarthrebu gyda unrhyw nyrs neu berson proffesiynol o fewn y tîm gofal iechyd yn eu iaith cyntaf. Gall gyfarthrebu fod yn dasg anodd i rhai unigolion hefo ac heb anableddau dysgu beth bynnag, felly pam ei wneud yn anoddach? Mae’n bwysig parchu dewis iaith pawb."
Professor Jo Rycroft Malone, Head of School, commented “I am delighted to see Elain’s achievement recognised in this way by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. The School places great emphasis on our bilingual heritage in North Wales, and the importance of preparing our students to play a key role in the provision of bilingual health services to patients and families”.
In partnership with the School of Healthcare Sciences, the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol supports four lecturers to ensure more study opportunities for Welsh medium students. Mainstreaming the Welsh language into healthcare education is a way of ensuring that the future workforce has the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes to provide bilingual services. The Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol offers Incentive and Main Scholarships that support nursing students at Bangor University to undertake 33% to 66% of their degree through the medium of Welsh.
Publication date: 25 August 2015