Research Student Conference 8th Oct

Innovation and creativity in health research - research student conference
8th Oct 9:45 Management Centre

Our conference theme is ‘innovation and creativity in health research’. This theme recognises the challenges that we often encounter both in research practice,
and in developing new insights on clinical practice, and health service delivery and organisation. These challenges are often the first step in developing the original
contributions to new knowledge or methodology that characterise postgraduate research. The conference will provide students with an opportunity to share
experiences and learning. In addition, there will be opportunity to gain peer and staff feedback on research communication as part of transferable skills development
Conference participation
All School of Healthcare Sciences postgraduate research students are strongly encouraged to attend this conference, and to submit abstracts for presentation.
Attendance at the conference will be open to colleagues from the NHS and from other Schools within the College of Health and Behavioural Sciences. The
conference will include a mix of oral papers and poster presentations, and these will be selected on the basis of quality, programme breadth, and representation
across the research student experience.

Conference Programme
09.45-10.00 - Welcome and brief keynote
“What counts as new knowledge in postgraduate research?” (Professor Jo Rycroft Malone)
10.00-11.20 - Free papers (Four, each of 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions)
11.20-11.40 - Coffee and poster viewing
11.40-13.00 - Free papers (Four, each of 15 minutes with 5 minutes for questions)

Abstract submission
Abstracts which reflect the conference theme of ‘innovation and creativity in health research’ should be submitted by the 14th September. Abstracts should be no
more than 250 words in length. Whilst the traditional abstract format (Background, Aims, Methods, Findings, Conclusion) can be used, if an alternative structure
allows you to be innovative and creative, then feel free to experiment. Please submit abstracts to Sue Metcalfe ( by the abstract submission
For catering purposes, please notify us of your intention to attend the conference, and any dietary requirements, no later than 27th September.

For further information contact Dr Chris Burton, 01248 382 556

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Publication date: 20 September 2012