Low Cancer Survival in UK linked to delays in referring patients for tests

Researchers based in the North Wales Centre for Primary Care Research in Wrexham have recently completed their involvement in a new in-depth study of cancer that could pin-point ways to improve cancer survival rates in Wales. The results of the latest International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP) study, the Welsh arm of which was led by Professor Richard Neal, revealed that GP’s readiness to investigate for cancer – either directly or by referral to secondary care – is directly linked to increased rates of cancer survival. It also revealed that GPs in the UK and Wales were less likely to refer or investigate patients with possible cancer symptoms when they first present, compared with other countries in the study (Australia Canada, Denmark, Norway & Sweden).

The ICBP Is a unique and innovative global partnership of clinicians, academics and policy-makers and is funded by partners including the Department of Health, the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry, Public Health Agency, Northern Ireland, South Wales Cancer Network, Tenovus & the Welsh Government. Cancer Research UK manage this partnership.

Publication date: 12 June 2015