Celebrating the future Midwife

The 'My Future, My Midwife' celebration event held recently in Cardiff was to celebrate the launch of the new future standard. This aims to equip future midwives with the knowledge and skills they need to help provide the safest and best care for the women, babies and families in our care. 

Alice Holman and Sioned Jones, who are the secretary and chair of the Bangor University Student Midwifery Society, attended the event with Sheila Brown, the Lead Midwife for Education in North Wales. While at the event they met with the other Lead Midwives for Education and students from Swansea, Cardiff and South Wales University. 

Alice Holman said of the experience “We were also so proud to meet members of the Nursing and Midwifery Council, including the chair Phil Graf. It was amazing to meet just some of the advisors for the NMC council including Professor Mary Renfrew and Professor Gwendolen Bradshaw. These are some of the amazing and talented professionals that attended the event, including all the other future midwives that will help take these new standards forwards into the future.” The Bangor midwifery programme values these sorts of experience for students as an important element in their education. Alice summed up the impact of the day on her by saying “I will take so many thing away from the day in Cardiff including meeting and chatting with all the other brilliant student midwives from around Wales, the process of developing these new standards and the need for them to provide the best care we can in the future.”

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Publication date: 6 February 2020